Twelve years ago this past Tuesday, I ended up in Bangkok on a whim. I had been working round the clock for months to prep for a trial that was scheduled to last ten weeks and then settled at the last minute. Unexpectedly, my calendar was clear -- and there was literally nothing for me to do in the office. So my boss suggested a vacation; but my burned out brain had no idea where to go. I'd always wanted to see Australia, so I penciled in a few weeks there right away. But I also knew that I needed to see something so beautiful and far-removed from my daily drudge that it might snap me back into contact with the outside world. So I sat down with my friend Gabriella to look at her travel photos. Gaby is one of those clever people who took a few years out of her life just to see the world. And she has the photos to prove it.
I still remember how excited I felt when I reached the page that reflected her time at Wat Pho

I was ready to leave immediately! At first, I don't think the pictures said anything to me beyond "exotic", but deep inside there was something more. Have you ever felt drawn to a place for reasons that you don't fully understand? I felt comforted by the images. I still do. It is one of the most beautiful temples I have ever seen. But the images also remind me of time I spent there -- reflecting -- and talking with other people from all over the world who had been drawn there for similar reasons. It was a sacred week. The temple is home to a large monastery and the company of the monks who are there to learn and reflect adds to the feeling of peace. I can remember thinking while I was there that I was finally near to overcoming my fear of death. I could see myself as small bit of stardust that would remain within the universe, in some form, forever -- seemingly separate, yet always as one with all other creatures.
And if that's not enough to encourage you to visit there someday, here's an additional side note: the temple is also the birthplace of Thai massage and houses a world-famous Thai massage school. Students from all over the world practicing this tremendously healing art. So, yes, you got that right: while reflecting on your place in the universe, you can also receive an exotic massage at a very reasonable cost. In your face, Christianity!!

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