Had a dream last night that I was rowing out to Blakely Rock

-- a beautiful spot that I have rowed to a few times with friends. It's a bit of a distance from the entrance to Blakely harbor, and beyond my usual comfort zone in terms of distance from shore, but always worth the effort (when the tide is calm) because of the beautiful wildlife we spot -- primarily seals and bald eagles.
In my dream, though, I was rowing alone and saw an Orca breaching in the distance,

past the rock.

With each breach, he got closer and closer to my kayak until he finally swam up right beside it and poked his nose up just beside me, as though he were more a curious puppy or porpoise rather than a creature that has been given the moniker "killer whale." It was so beautiful, that I reached over to pet it's nose. Sounds impossible, right? Then I found this picture!! Maybe dreams can come true. (Okay -- probably no petting involved -- but amazing how close a kayak can get!)
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