Maddie and I ran out into the woods this morning because we heard a woodpecker nearby and wanted to find it. He was loud -- I think he actually had a chainsaw -- and we finally spotted him at the edge of Madeline's woods. Unfortunately, he was too fast and furious to photograph, but we did catch some other highlights of the morning visit:

First, the most perfect little wren's nest ever!! Can you believe how perfectly round it is? And this photo truly doesn't do it justice. The little eggs are perfect ovals -- cream colored with tiny brown specks. They looks like chocolate eggs in a child's Easter basket! Yesterday, there was only one tiny egg -- today: three!!

Once those eggs hatch, they will feast on these -- by mid-summer, these will be wild blackberries! Yum! Again, for reasons that aren't clear to me, these are considered a "pest" on the island. A giant plot by the anti-pie and cobbler lobby, I think.

After finishing in the woods, we went to check on the garden. After weeks of cool weather, it is finally taking hold! The strawberry patch (usually our biggest producer) is getting off the ground and the tomatoes are coming along as well. Yay!!
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