Took Madeline to see the latest Disney/Pixar flick, Wall-E. (Answer: no -- it's actually dark and depressing -- and way too political for kids. I thought it would be cute little slapstick robots spinning, blinking and beeping while spewing about clever dialouge. At the outside, I assumed that the political commentary would be kept to Marx Brothers level -- more the along the lines of "Duck Soup" or the "Mouse that Roared" -- anti-war messages wrapped up in goofiness, song and dance. Nope. Just dark brown post-apocalyptic misery. Awful. Though the opening short, "Presto" as always with Pixar, is *great*).
Madeline, however, did like the cute robot:

Now, back to our story.
Afterwards, we ducked into the theater lavatory. While I was busy digging in my purse, Madeline dashed into a cubicle and locked the door.
Me (admittedly laughing): Okay, Okay -- very funny -- let me in.
Madeline (giggling): Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.
Unbelievable. Children's stories: fear them.
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